Phasellus at eros non sapien aliquet volutpat. In viverra odio aliquam, dictum tortor a, commodo turpis. Quisque fermentum urna nec est ultricies faucibus. Maecenas quis mi vitae magna pharetra varius. Etiam tellus nulla, fermentum sed lectus in, sollicitudin blandit enim. Pellentesque porta sapien vitae lacinia porttitor. Nulla quis sapien ex. Sed maximus tellus nec libero blandit consequat. In turpis ante, varius eu metus eu, finibus sagittis sem. Donec placerat ultricies nisl tristique elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur ut purus gravida, iaculis ipsum vel, fermentum nisl. Nam sodales sem vitae velit lacinia mollis ut nec diam.
Vestibulum dolor nisi, aliquam eget eleifend nec, euismod ut libero. Donec in leo odio. Suspendisse libero nisl, ultrices vel commodo sed, consequat et urna. Sed et pulvinar ipsum, id ultricies diam. Donec tempor vitae justo vitae ullamcorper. Pellentesque id dolor aliquam, auctor neque a, tincidunt diam. Quisque non tempus ligula. Donec sed magna libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

- Blueberry "Syrup"
- 1 cup fresh blueberries
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup white sugar
- Flavored Water Beverage
- Lots of crushed ice
- 4 Izze Mandarine-Lime Sparkling Waters
- 1.Place the fresh blueberries, water, and sugar in a saucepan over medium high heat.
- 2.Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes.
- 3.If desired, rim the glasses in sugar (I LOVE this simple addition to the flavor of the drink!) Simply press the top of the glass in a bowl of water and then the wetted top of the glass into a small bowl of sugar. Shake off the excess.
- 4.Fill up 4 glasses to the top with crushed ice - really pack in the ice!
- 5.Fill up the glass with the blueberry syrup. Allow the syrup to "settle" into the ice and then fill up the glass with Mandarine-Lime Sparkling Water.
- 6.Stir and add in some freshly squeezed lime.
- 7.If desired garnish the glass with fresh mint and a small skewer with blueberries.